Monday, October 26, 2009

Asian Herbs & Spices

Asian food well known as spicy food. It needs a lot of different food ingredients to make one kind of food. Herewith are some of food ingredients must have in your kitchen if you intend to make some heavy Asian food.

1. Salt = Garam
2. Sugar = Gula
3. Garlic = Bawang putih
4. Shallot = Bawang merah
5. Chilli = Cabai
6. Pepper = Merica
7. Galingale = Lengkuas
8. Bay leaf = Daun Salam
9. Kaffir lime leave = Daun jeruk purut
10. Ginger = Jahe
11. Turmeric = Kunyit
12. Coriander = Ketumbar
13. Clove = Cengkeh
14. Cumin = Jinten
15. Cardamom = Kapulaga
16. Candlenut = Kemiri
17. Lesser Galangal = Kencur
18. Lemon Grass = Serai
19. Fingerroot = Temu Kunci
20. Nutmeg = Pala


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